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Towards Plastic Free Medway

Love Medway Team

1 Sept 2021

TPFM are currently working towards achieving the nationally recognised ‘Plastic Free Community’ accreditation for Medway…

Towards Plastic Free Medway (TPFM) was set up about 2 years ago by a group of Medway citizens who are becoming increasingly concerned about the ever-growing use of single use plastic, and its effect on the environment. As it can take up to 450 years for a plastic item to degrade to a point when it is no longer visible and only 9% of all plastic waste ever produced has been recycled, it is clear that getting rid of the waste is going to become a bigger and bigger, more expensive problem. If it goes to landfill it will very slowly breakdown into small and smaller pieces, eventually becoming micro plastics which can leach into our water courses, our oceans and ultimately end up in our food chain, if it is incinerated, toxic gases are released into the air, and there are ultimately limits on how often plastic can be re-cycled.

TPFM is realistic and accepts that we cannot live without plastic. We recognise that a package of measures will be required to address the plastic issue and its problems effectively, however we believe using less must be the first priority and at the core of all measures. We want to encourage individuals, businesses and community groups in Medway to re-think their single-use plastic consumption, to make small changes to cut down use. To refuse unnecessary plastic packaging and take-away cups. To reduce the amount of plastic bought/used by reconsidering need and use of alternative environmentally friendly materials. To refill by using local water refill facilities and refill shops. Re-use, by making repairs, upcycling etc., Re-cycling should be a last resort, and where this is done we would encourage use of closed loop recycling systems.

We are currently working towards achieving the nationally recognised ‘Plastic Free Community’ accreditation for Medway, awarded by Surfers against Sewage. To achieve this we need to prove that businesses and communities in Medway are arising to the challenge to make a difference. If you have taken steps or want to take steps to reduce your plastic consumption in 3 simple ways we would love to hear from you, especially if you are a business or a community group (schools; colleges; universities; children’s and youth groups; social groups and sports clubs; churches; environmental groups; event venues; community communications etc).

Please contact

TPFM on Facebook

Confused by plastic recycling?

Here’s a handy chart with all the plastic recycling numbers, their meanings and recycling potential.

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